Focus: “OnAir Broadcasting: Lessons Learned and Next Steps”
When: Monday December 12, 2016 at 2:00 PM EST
Broadcast Director: Jim McLean
Host: Scott Joy
Presenters: Meredith, Cary, PsyD and Gary Kreps, PhD
Hangout Participants: Jeff Herrick, PhD; Eric Olson; Serge Samoilenko;
Times below are approximations
2:00- Scott Joy will open broadcast by introducing Hangout Participants. 2:05- Scott will then introduce video on Open Networks, lessons learned and next steps with onAir broadcasting (first pre-recorded video below). 2:10- Jim and I will discuss other lessons learned 2:15- Gary Kreps will articulate some of his initial reactions to the benefits and potential of the Open Networks Knowledge Network System and answer questions. 2:20- Meredith Cary will discuss the CBT-I Live video in this post that Meredith and Jim McLean created using and answer questions. 2:25- Discuss proposed schedule of upcoming broadcasts 2:30- Anticipated end of broadcast
Host script for this broadcast